ForkSim is very new, and has not be widely tested on a variety of machines and operating systems. I developed and tested ForkSim in a Ubuntu 13.04 64bit Virtual Machine. For optimal compatibility, I recommend doing the same. However, it should execute well on any Unix-like systems, assuming the listed dependencies are installed and properly configured (appear on the terminal's $PATH variable).
Notes Regarding NiCad Compilation
ForkSim is very new, and has not be widely tested on a variety of machines and operating systems. I developed and tested ForkSim in a Ubuntu 13.04 64bit Virtual Machine. For optimal compatibility, I recommend doing the same. However, it should execute well on any Unix-like systems, assuming the listed dependencies are installed and properly configured (appear on the terminal's $PATH variable).
- A Unix-like environment.
- FreeTXL 10.6
- NiCad 3.5 (bundled, please make note of included license agreement)
- Java 7
- astyle
- Install FreeTXL 10.6+. Ensure it is on $PATH in your terminal.
- Install Java 7+ (JRE or JDK).
- Install astyle, and ensure it is on $PATH in your terminal. I recommend the linked version over the version in the Ubuntu repository (I have expirenced bugs with it).
- Download ForkSim and extract it to your preferred location.
- Compile NiCad by executing 'make' in ForkSim/dependencies/NiCad/. See below for further details.
Notes Regarding NiCad Compilation
- NiCad requires 'gcc' to be installed for compilation.
- If you are on a 64bit system, you will need to modify 'Makefile' in NiCad/tools/ and comment out the line 'MACHINESIZE = -m32' and uncomment the line 'MACHINESIZE = -m64 -mcmodel=medium'. Alternatively, you can install 32bit libraries for your system.
- If you receive an error during compilation regarding the command 'tpc' execute 'touch *' in the NiCad/tools/ directory. This error occurs if the pre-compiled Turing code falls out of sync with its source. Touch will update the dates on both, which will stop the makefile from trying to re-compile them. It is unlikely you have a Turing plus compiler installed.
- If you have problems installing ForkSim, please e-mail me at [email protected] for assistance.